With the current passing of Tom who was such an amazing home cook I began to panic a bit for my nutritional well-being with my lack of skills in the cooking department. The idea of creating a blog and a goal of two dishes a week from a couple of recommended books was born. To be completely clear, my skill level is still at University student level which means that adding bacon and shredded cheese to a box of Kraft Mac 'n' Cheese would seem "gourmet".
In making plans to visit the French Laundry come January 2016 it seemed suiting for one of the books to be a Thomas Keller cookbook, Bouchon Bakery (which hopefully we will also visit in said trip). The other book we will use is Gordon Ramsay's Home Cooking. Jordyn (the roomie) and I will be daring to take this task on together and update the blog for the amusement of our friend Nick. ;)
Bon Appétit!
In making plans to visit the French Laundry come January 2016 it seemed suiting for one of the books to be a Thomas Keller cookbook, Bouchon Bakery (which hopefully we will also visit in said trip). The other book we will use is Gordon Ramsay's Home Cooking. Jordyn (the roomie) and I will be daring to take this task on together and update the blog for the amusement of our friend Nick. ;)
Bon Appétit!